
Container App Deployment

You can deploy the Zeaware Monitor for Power BI application using Azure DevOps or other DevOps tools. The process for doing this should be developed by your organisation to be consistent with your use of DevOps, naming and security standards. However as a general high level approach you may consider the following pattern:

Build Pipeline

A DevOps build pipeline can be used to create the container image. This should use a secure container image that includes the relevant application host requirements.

In creating the container image, customers should ensure you:

  • Build from an appropriate base container image.
  • Add the Zeaware Monitor code package to the /app folder in the image.
  • Add the zeawaremonitorconfig.json file to the /app folder in the image.
  • Set the correct entry point.

Release Pipeline

Once the container image is created, this can be deployed to test and production environments using a release pipeline. The release pipeline may:

  • Deploy the SQL database dacpac package to the relevant environment SQL database.
  • Push the updated container image to the container registry.
  • Restart the container instance to force a pull of the latest image.

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