
Datasets Dashboard

The datasets page shows the status of Power BI Datasets across the Power BI tenant. Use this page to quickly review dataset statuses including refresh issues, and drill into specific issues.


The following visuals are included on the datasets page:
Visual Description
Datasets - Impaired vs Total The total number of impaired datasets vs the total number of datasets within the Power BI tenant.
Dataset Refreshes (30d) This is the total number of failed datasets with failed refreshes vs the total number of refreshes across all datasets in the tenant.
Capacity – Import vs DirectQuery This is the total number datasets within Pro workspaces vs the total number of datasets within Premium workspaces.
Dataset Issues (30d) - Open vs Total This is the total number of open dataset issues vs the number of dataset issues created within the past 30 days.


The following tables are included on the datasets page.

Dataset Details

The dataset details table provides a detailed list of datasets within the tenant. Fields include:

Field Description
Key This is the Zeaware Monitor key assigned to uniquely identify the dataset.
Dataset The name of the dataset.
Workspace The workspace of the dataset.
Mode The dataset mode, being Import, DirectQuery, Excel or Push.
Status If Current or Deleted.
# Reports The number of detected reports using this dataset.
# Refresh The number of dataset refreshes detected in the past 30 days.
# Days The number of days since the last dataset refresh.
# Issues The number of open issues for this dataset.
Refresh Status The outcome status of the last dataset refresh.
Link A link to the dataset in the Power BI workspace.

Dataset Issues

This table shows a filtered list of open dataset related issues. Fields include:

Field Description
Issue The issue summary providing the Issue ID and Title.


The following buttons are included within the Workspaces page:
Button Description
Filter Click this button to show the filters pane. The filters allow filtering by current or deleted datasets and by workspace type.
View Dataset If you select a dataset, you can click this button to drill through to the dataset details.
View Issue Select an issue in the issue table then you click on the View Issue button to drill through to the Issue Details page.

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