
Gateways Dashboard

The Gateways dashboard is used to review the status of Gateways in the Power BI environment, including understanding the status and any open issues. From this dashboard users can drill into the detail of the gateway or any open issues.


The following indicators are included within the Gateways Dashboard:
Indicator Description
Gateways This shows the number of impaired gateways vs the total number of detected gateways. To detect the status of a gateway Zeaware Monitor must have rights granted for that gateway.
Gateway Datasets This shows the number of datasets that may be impaired due to the gateway status vs the total number of datasets using a gateway.
Gateway Datasources This shows the number of datasources that may be impaired due to the gateway status vs the total number of datasources using a gateway.
Gateway Versions The # Versions visual shows the number of unique gateway versions detected by Zeaware Monitor. This is useful for identifying when different gateways are not running the latest or same versions.
Gateway Issues This is the total number of open Zeaware Monitor issues relating to the gateways. These issues are visual in the Gateway Issues table.


The following tables are included within the Gateways Dashboard:

Gateway Details

The Gateway Details table contains the following columns:
Field Description
Key The unique gateway key assigned to the gateway by Zeaware Monitor.
Gateway The name of the gateway as provided by the Power BI service.
Host The machine name of the gateway host.
Gateway Version The version of the Power BI gateways software running on the host, as reported by Power BI.
# Datasources This is the total number of datasources associated with this gateway. If the gateway is offline these data sources may be affected.
# Datasets This is the total number of datasets associated with this gateway. If the gateway is offline these datasets may be affected.
# Reports This is the total number of reports using datasets associated with this gateway. If the gateway is offline these reports may be affected.

Gateway Issues

The Gateway Issues table lists the current open issues associated with the gateways:
Field Description
Issue The Issue ID and Issue Description of the open gateway issue.


The following buttons are included within the Gateways Dashboard:
Button Description
View Gateway This button is enabled when a gateway is selected in the Gateway Details table and is used to drill through to the Gateway Details page.
View Issue This button is enabled when an issue is selected in the Gateway Issues table and is used to drill through to the Issue Details page.

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