
Status Dashboard

The Status dashboard is used for quickly understanding the state and heath of your Power BI environment.


The following visuals are included within the Status report:
Visual Description
Operational Status This visual shows the current operational status of the Power BI service as reported by Microsoft. The status information for this visual is collected via the MS Graph Service Health API.
Workspace Status This is the number of Power BI Workspaces that have issues current in the Power BI environment. This includes issues that relate to configuration and issues relating to conditions affecting workspace objects such as datasets, dataflows, datamarts and so on.
Reports Status This is the number of Power BI Reports which have an impaired status vs the total number of Power BI reports within the Tenant. Reports may be impaired for a number of reasons including data source, gateway or other issues affecting ability to successfully view the report.
Datasource Status This is the number of datasources within Power BI that have an impaired status vs the total number of datasources within the tenant. Datasoures may be impaired due to the originating server having connectivity issues or gateway issues.
Gateway Status This is the number of impaired Power BI Gateways vs the total number of detected Gateways in the tenant. Note: for Zeaware Monitor to be able to access a tenant the Monitoring Service Principal requires access to the Gateway in Power BI.
Dataflow Status This is the number of Power BI Dataflows that have an impaired status vs the total number of Dataflows within the tenant. Dataflows may be impaired due to datasource connectivity issues or gateway issues.
Datamart Status This is the number of Power BI Datamarts that have an impaired status vs the total number of Datamarts within the tenant. Power BI Datamarts may be impaired due to datasource connectivity issues or gateway issues.
Workspace Status This is the number of Power BI Workspaces that have issues current in the Power BI environment. This includes issues that relate to configuration and issues relating to conditions affecting workspace objects such as datasets, dataflows, datamarts etc.
Dashboard Status This is the number of Power BI Dashboards that have an impaired status vs the total number of Dashboards within the tenant. Dashboards may be impaired due to issues with the report whose visuals that form the Dashboard, such as a dataset refresh or connectivity issue.
App Status This is the number of Power BI Apps that have an impaired status vs the total number of Power BI Apps within the tenant. Power BI Apps may be impaired due to issues with the report within the App, such as a dataset refresh or connectivity issues affecting the reports.
Pipeline Status This is the number of Power BI Pipelines that have an impaired status vs the total number of Pipelines within the tenant. Power BI Pipelines may be impaired due to failures experienced when running the pipeline.


The following buttons are included within the Status report:
Button Description
Activity Search Button Click this button to navigate to the Activity Search page.
Users Button Click this button to navigate to the Users page.

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