Cancel a FlexiClient Booking
From time to time it will be necessary to Cancel or Reschedule a booking. To reschedule a Booking immediately see Changing a Booking. However, to Cancel a booking an add to a list to Reschedule later, see Cancel and Reschedule a Booking Later topic below.
Cancelling a Booking
- Login to the Zeaware Service Admin portal
- Click the Bookings tab and select the Schedule that you wish to Cancel the Booking for.
- Using the Date Selector, choose the date for which the Booking has been made.
- Click the Booking to open the Edit Booking pane.
- Click the “...” button at the bottom of the Edit Booking pane to bring up additional options
- Click the Cancel Booking button to cancel the Booking immediately.
Cancel and Reschedule a Booking Later
To Cancel a Booking but keep it on a list so it can be rescheduled later, follow the steps below:
- Login to the Zeaware Service Admin portal
- Click the Bookings tab and select the Schedule that you wish to Cancel the Booking for.
- Using the Date Selector, choose the date for which the Booking has been made.
- Click the Booking to open the Edit Booking pane.
- Click the “...” button at the bottom of the Edit Booking pane to bring up additional options
- Choose “Reschedule Booking”. This will Cancel the Booking but add it to a list of Bookings to add later.
Rescheduling the Booking
To Reschedule the booking:
- Navigate to the Bookings tab.
- Use the Date selector to choose the date for when the Rescheduled Booking will be made.
- Click the Start Time for the Reschedule Booking. This will open the New Booking Selector pane.
- Within the New Booking Selector pane, choose the “Reschedule Booking”. This will show a list of Bookings awaiting Reschedule.
- Select the previously Cancelled Booking that is to be Rescheduled.
- Within the Booking pane, update any details relating to the Rescheduled booking including Date, Time and Services associated with the new Booking.
- Finally, click Update Booking to save the Rescheduled Booking.